Terms & Conditions of Grooming
By requesting a booking you are deemed to agree to the following terms and conditions :-
1. You warrant that your dog is fit, healthy and up to date with all necessary vaccinations.
2. The grooming of elderly dogs is undertaken entirely at the owners risk. Grooming may expose underlying skin or health problems that Groomco cannot be held liable for.
3. If we feel that de-matting your dog would cause too much stress and discomfort we may recommend a complete clip down. This will dramatically change your dog’s appearance as their hair will be short and close to the skin. A complete clip down may expose pre-existing skin conditions such as hotspots, sores, parasite infestation, urine and faeces scalding, fungal, bacterial and yeast infections.
The client should also be aware that skin irritation and nicks might occur from the shaving process. Groomco will not be held liable for any problems caused from a complete clip off regardless of if requested by the customer or due to a matted or neglected coat.
This could include, but is not limited to the following: itchiness, skin redness, irritations or abrasions however caused, post groom furunculosis, pyoderma - superficial or deep and/or pyotraumatic dermatitis.
4. Dogs with extremely matted coats will be subject to an additional fee in respect of the extra time needed to safely remove a matted coat.
5. Payment must be made on collection of the dog. Owners are requested to collect their dogs at the time stated.
6. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for an appointment, without contacting us, then we reserve the right to reschedule your appointment and charge a cancellation fee.
7. It is a requirement that you advise us prior to your appointment if your dog has any medical conditions, is taking medication prescribed by a vet or any other information which could help us provide a stress free dog grooming service for your dog.
8. Photographs will be taken of your dog before, after, or during it's groom. We reserve the right to use these photographs in our marketing activities unless you notify us otherwise.
9. Teeth de scaling and anal gland expression are now deemed to be veterinary procedures and are not included in any service offered.
10. Should your dog’s behaviour place Groomco staff or itself in danger, then the groom will be stopped, you will be required to collect your dog, and the full cost of the groom will apply however little grooming has been carried out.
11. Groomco Dog Grooming will not force any procedure on your dog, therefore if your dog objects to any part of the groom that part will not be performed. Price reductions will not be offered for incomplete grooms due to the dogs behaviour.