How to book...
You can book an appointment by telephoning us on either 0121 5521711 or 07758 951985 (should your call be diverted to our answer phone, please do leave a message and your number – we always will get back to you). For any out of hours enquiries, please email groomcouk@gmail.com.
Our contact details can also be found by clicking here or by clicking on the contact us tab at the top of this page.
Once a date & time has been allocated to you you will need to confirm your booking with a £10.00 non refundable deposit. The deposit paid will be deducted from your final groom price and it is not the price of a full groom.
You can pay your deposit via PayPal and our PayPal address is groomcouk@gmail.com. Alternatively you can use the pay a deposit button below.
Your appointment will be held for 12 hours until confirmed with your deposit. Should payment not be received your booking will automatically be cancelled.
Please contact us for an appropriate appointment before paying your deposit.
Our full terms and conditions can be found by clicking here, alternatively please visit our FAQ page here.