What we offer...
Groomco Service
Fully Insured High quality grooming service with patience & gentle care for your pet
Client Consultation
Please allow 5-10 minutes to establish how YOU would like your dog groomed; Discuss if you’re pets suffers any ailments or has any dislikes prior to the grooming session.
New customers are required to fill in a customer record card with their details, pet’s details & vets details, & we will need to see up to date vaccination records.

We charge according to your styling requirements, your dogs coat, weight and behaviour therefore it can be very difficult to give an exact quotation. We recommend that you bring your dog in for a FREE no obligation consultation, where we can discuss your requirements and assess your dogs current coat condition.
Price Guide
Bath Brush & Dry - Starting from £12.00
Full Groom:
Small Breed - Starting from £24.00
Medium Breed - Starting from £32.00
Large Breed - Starting from £35.00
De Matting
Can take a considerable amount of time depending on how matted your dog is.
Nail Trimming
Dogs that are exercised regularly outdoors on abrasive surfaces will generally require less frequent nail clipping than those kept mainly in the house or walked on softer ground . Most pets benefit from having their nails clipped every four to six weeks as unkempt nails can present potential health problems & discomfort to your pet. I also check dew claws as these can potentially curve & grow back into the dog’s leg causing discomfort if not kept short .
Clipping / Feathering / Trimming coats
We only use quality Professional clippers, blades and combs that are regularly maintained.
Anal Glands
I will check anal glands but do not offer anal grand expression as my belief is that this is a veterinary procedure. I will inform you if the anal glands need emptying to which you may seek veterinary assistance.
Bathing with High Quality Dog Shampoo
We only use quality Professional clippers, blades and combs that are regularly maintained.
We use a dryer which has multi speed & heat settings to accommodate pets who may be nervous of dryers.
Please note: all dogs are dried by hand using a dryer that has several heat and speed settings to adjust to whatever your pet tolerates. No cage dryers are used and your pet has 100% of my attention during its grooming session.
Low Shed
The uses of dryer at high speed to blast and loosen dead undercoat and help prevent moulting for up to 4 weeks.
Puppy Program
Puppies are very impressionable at this young age, therefore it is important that you and I work together to build a suitable grooming program for your beloved pet. Fun, rewarding, patience and routine are paramount at this age, therefore we shall build their grooming experience slowly by introducing them to sounds of the salon equipment.....slow and steady is the process we use and we break down the full grooming process exposing them to a little at each visit.
8 Point Health Check
At Groomco, we absolutely adore animals. We hate to see or find anyone’s pet in distress or a state of health that could have been remedied so easily if spotted earlier enough. Therefore, every pet that visits our salon for grooming treatments can undergo an 8 point health check at your request to ensure everything is fine, and if anything is developing, it can be dealt with promptly.
Any pet that is going to be visiting us on a regular basis will have it’s own health record card. If anything out of the ordinary is noticed, the owner will be informed. All of our staff are trained thoroughly in what to look for when inspecting a dog, so know when a pet is healthy and when not.
The 8 point health check includes:
Checking Ears, Checking Eyes, Checking Nails and Pads, Checking Anal Glands, Checking Teeth and Gums, Checking Skin and Coat, Checking for Lumps and Bumps and Checking Genitals.
Groomco is not a qualified veterinary practice, but we are trained to know what to look for, and strongly recommend you take your pet to your own vet should anything be a miss.
Our full terms and conditions can be found here. If you still have any questions you may want to ask please feel free to contact us or click here for a few FAQs.